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1st - 6th Grade


Our children’s ministry is dedicated to partnering with parents in laying spiritual foundations and helping kids understand what it means to know Christ, accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior, and grow in their faith. FBC Monroe provides weekly gatherings of age-appropriate Bible Study, fun and creative teaching environments, and family worship.


Every child will be greeted with a smile and will check in with our secure sticker system. The check-in process is quick and easy; guardians can obtain security stickers at either the Preschool Welcome Desk or the Kids Welcome Center. Guardians are given a matching security sticker that must be turned in when picking up your child from the classroom.


Because we recognize that we are a reflection of God’s love to the kids in our care, we take seriously our responsibility to provide a safe environment for the children who attend FBC. Click here to read our Child Protection Policy.

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Sunday School

We offer Sunday School classes for each grade. Check-in at the children's area at 9:30am. From there, children will be served breakfast and taken to their class. Pick-up for children is by 10:45am

Family Worship

We invite our children to begin worshipping with their families once they enter 1st grade. 


8:30 - Early Worship - Sanctuary

10:50 - Informal Worship - Fellowship Hall

11:00 - Traditional Worship - Sanctuary


On Wednesday nights during the school year, we offer dinner and Bible studies for all ages! Dinner is from 5:00-6:00pm, and adult Bible Studies begin at 6:15pm. 


From 6:00 – 7:15 pm, we offer fun, activity-based learning including Bible Skill Games and a weekly Bible story for all kids in 1st-6th grade. We have a Music Rotation for our 1st -2nd graders, and a Bible Drill Rotation for our 3rd-6th graders. 


Bible Drill uses fun and engaging activities to help kids learn the books of the Bible, 25 verses, and key passages. Kids have the option to participate in a Church, Associational, and State Bible Drill in the spring.

Snack Suppers

We now offer Kids Snack Suppers (pizza or Chick-fil-A) in the Children's area at 6:00pm on Wednesday nights! 

Register online.


Minister to Children

Maria Brannen


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